The Bills • Yes Please (2012)

yes_please_cover_bigReleased in Canada in 2012, released in USA 2013 (Red House Records)

up-western_awards 2013 WCMA Nominee

Available from Compass Records‘ Online Store

Apple Music

“. . . very literate, thought provoking . . .”

Sing Out!

“sit back, relax  and let the music soak into you!”

American Roots UK

Track listing

  1. Hallowed Hall (Frye / Dolan)
  2. The Plant Song (Atkinson)
  3. Shining Face (Atkinson / Frye)
  4. After Music (Dolan)
  5. Not the End (Atkinson / Frye)
  6. Little Tribune (Frye)
  7. Scotch Bonnet (Atkinson)
  8. Pandora’s in Flames (Frye)
  9. Love’s Medley (Reinhardt, arr. Atkinson/Smith)
  10. Gale in My Sail (Atkinson / Frye)
  11. Quarter Century Mazurka (Dolan)
  12. Blackberry Ivy and Broom (Atkinson / Frye)
  13. The Gardenton Waltz (Moody) YouTube link